Department Of Computer Science


The department provides training for future teachers in the specialty 014.09 Secondary education (Informatics) in the educational-professional program "Informatics in educational institutions" at the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education by:

  • implementation of all types of educational, methodical, scientific and educational activities;
  • training of scientific personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies;
  • advanced training (internship) of teachers;
  • implementation of other activities (organizational, career guidance, economic, international, etc.) in accordance with the legislation, the Charter of the University, the decisions of the collegial governing bodies of KhNPU named after GS Frying pans, orders and instructions of the rector.

Tasks of the department:

1. Organization and implementation at a high level of educational, methodical, scientific, organizational and educational work with students of full-time, part-time (distance) forms of education.
2. Carrying out of scientific researches on priority directions of science and wide introduction of the received results in educational process.
3. Training, retraining and advanced training (internship) of scientific and pedagogical staff.
4. Creation, systematic updating and improvement of educational and laboratory base, methods of experimental researches, technical means of training, computerization and informatization of educational process.
5. Organization of the educational process aimed at training highly qualified specialists who must organically combine high general education with deep theoretical and professional knowledge, be deeply erudite on world and national culture, have skills of continuous spiritual and physical improvement, individual and collective professional activity;
6. Ensuring the quality of the educational process taking into account the modern requirements of the market of educational services and licensing conditions.

Employees of the department are working on the implementation of the research topic: "Implementation of innovations in education in an open information and communication space" (registration number - O111U006443).

The main areas of research of teachers of the department - the problems of development and improvement of information education, the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process.

Department of Computer Science, 215-B, G.S.Skovoroda HNPU, 2, Valentinovskaya Street, Kharkiv, 61168, Ukraine

Phon. nom.: +38(0572)68-38-20


Olefirenko Nadiia

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor 

Campus LifeІм'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.