The research work of the department of theory and technologies of preschool education and the art disciplines is an integral part of the university's holistic research work.  The staff of the department is working on the development of a comprehensive scientific theme "Forming the Integral Competence of Future Preschool Educators in the Process of Vocational Training". Within its framework, teachers are researching the following scientific issues: vocational training of preschool workers in Ukraine;  modern technologies of art and aesthetic education and upbringing of preschool children; art as a means of socializing preschoolers; opportunities of art pedagogy in educational work with children; use of modern game technologies in pre-school educational establishments; improvement of musical and pedagogical training of future preschool workers; formation of national values in future educators; development of voice culture of future teacher; an integrative approach to the teaching of disciplines of artistic and aesthetic orientation in vocational training of employees of preschool education institutions.

The results of the research work are covered in numerous publications of the scientific works of the professors of the department in national and international  professional publications.

Professors of the department of theory and technologies of preschool education and the art disciplines have been systematically trained at higher education institutions in Kharkiv, other regions of Ukraine, at leading educational institutions  in Europe. In particular, professor Peretyaga L. E. was trained at the Prague Institute for Advanced Training (Czech Republic, 2017), Professor Tararak N. G.,associate professor Kovtun A. V. was trained at the Higher Linguistic School in Czestochowa (Poland, 2018).

The international relations of the teaching staff of the department are also realized through participation in international scientific-practical conferences, where teachers exchange professional experience with foreign colleagues.

In 2010 the department started holding the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Preschool education in the modern educational space: actual problems, experience, innovations". The achievement of the conference is the publication of articles of its participants.

The department of theory and technologies of preschool education and art disciplines has developed the concept of organizing students' scientific work aimed to their direct preparation for future professional activity. “The Student Scientific Society” is working on an ongoing basis (headed by Professor Tararak N. G., associate professor Mkrtichyan O. A.)  Students who have a predilection for scientific activity are actively involved in student scientific conferences and competitions. At the All-Ukrainian olympiad on preschool education, students traditionally occupy the prize places. Based on the reports of students at conferences, the department of theory and technologies of preschool education and the art disciplines in 2019 published a collection of abstracts of materials of the scientific-practical conference "Pre-school education in Ukraine: yesterday, today, tomorrow", materials of the scientific-practical conference of master's students “Civilization progress of modern education and science”,materials of the fifth All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference"Preschool education in the modern educational space: current problems, experience, innovations", etc.

The department continues to cooperate with the departments of aesthetic education of secondary schools of Kharkiv (secondary school № 118, secondary school № 40 of the industrial district of Kharkiv) and the region (Elitnyansk secondary school, Chemuzhiv secondary school of Kharkiv district).Scientific consultation of music executives of the Lisnyansk preschool educational institution (nursery) "Barvinok" of the combined type of the Molodanilivsky village council of the Dergachiv district of Kharkiv region on problems of formation of national-patriotic consciousness of preschool children by means of music art and conditions of  IPSE on the basis of the Agreement on scientific and pedagogical cooperation of September 6, 2016 between KhNPU of G. S. Skovoroda and CEI.

With the support of the Rectorate, “The Toy Museum” was created in 2016 by the faculty of the department, based on the Faculty of Preschool Education. Within the framework of the museum there is a permanent exhibition of both unique toys and made by students;excursions, master classes on fine arts are organized, field exhibitions are organized in the pre-school educational establishments, in the homes for children in Kharkiv and so on.

On the basis of the Toy Museum under the direction of associate professor M. Korduban  the student scientific group "Museum pedagogy" works.  In 2017, a group of its participants (Kolesnyk Anastasia Alexandrovna, Tretyakova Tetyana Nikolaevna, Ilyina Darya Volodymyrivna) participated in the city competition of student projects “Kharkiv is a city of youth initiatives” (nomination “Kharkiv is an open, creative and tolerant city”), where they took the second place.

Also, there is a student scientific group "Music Therapy for Preschoolers: History and Modernity" (associate professor Bakay S.Yu.).


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