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The English Language Chair

We are glad to welcome you!

Welcome to the page of the English Language Chair of the Faculty of Foreign Philology of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine!

The staff of the English Language Chair consists of 10 teachers, including one Professor, eight Candidates of Sciences and Associate Professors and one senior teacher. They provide studying for full-time and part-time students at the faculties of History, Psychology and Sociology, Law, Arts, Preschool Education, Physical Education and Sport, as well as part-time students of the faculties of Physics, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Primary Education. The teachers work with postgraduate students of all forms of education.

To improve the quality of educational process, the teachers actively use modern information technologies and involve students in the constant use of English online sources of information. Educational work and research activities in the language environment contribute to both effective education of future professionals and development of their competitive language competencies and skills.

The staff of the Chair have mastered modern teaching methods aimed at encouragement of individual and team work of students and promote critical thinking development.

Important peculiarities of the organization of educational process in master's and postgraduate studies are intense attention to research work, emphasis on practically-oriented educational process, conducting master classes and other forms of meetings of applicants with experts and scientists.

Strategic directions of the development of the English Language Chair. 

The basic directions of the Chair development provide realization of the following activities:

  • internationalization of the educational process: providing teaching of English at the level of international standards taking into account the results of international exams in assessing speech competencies of students;
  • expanding the online component in teaching English;
  • creation of modern educational and methodical literature on the basis of information technologies, namely electronic textbooks of the developed courses on the platforms of distance learning and video lectures;
  • development of tasks for independent study of students on the basis of online content with respect to tasks and purposes of new programs of disciplines;
  • improvement of the organization of internal quality control of teaching through mutual visits.


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