to the home page of the Department of Theory and Practice of the English Language (H.F. Kvitka-Osnovianenko Faculty of Ukrainian Language and Literature) on the official website of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University!
The department teaching staff is successfully engaged in educational activities, high-quality English-language training of applicants of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) degrees of higher education at several faculties: H.F. Kvitka-Osnovianenko Faculty of Ukrainian Language and Literature, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Primary Education. Teaching staff of the Department of Theory and Practice of the English Language works fruitfully with the applicants of the second (master's) degree of higher education at the Institute for Professional Development of Teachers and Education Management (IPDTEM), as well as with teachers of secondary education, who improve their skills in teaching English, philology and methodology of foreign language teaching on the basis of the department.
The department teaching staff is highly qualified and has а high level of scientific and pedagogical training, constantly striving for the professional development. For more than ten years the department has been headed by Ilona Kostikova, Doctor of Science in Education, Ph.D. in Education, Ph.D. in Philology, Full Professor, who is the founder of her own scientific school. All department lecturers have scientific degrees in philology and academic titles; constantly improve their professional level at Ukrainian universities and foreign universities. Today the department teaching staff includes 6 employees, in particular, 1 Doctor of Science in Education, Full Professor and 5 PhDs in Philology, Associate Professors.
The scientific work of the department is carried out and focused on the profound research topic: “Actual problems of linguistics, literature, methodology of the English language teaching in educational institutions” (registration number 0117U000811). The department representatives are authors of different textbooks, articles in journals recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (category B), as well as in international journals, which are indexed in databases Scopus and Web of Science. The staff also participates in numerous scientific and research conferences of both international and national levels.
The lecturers of the department successfully use modern information and communication technologies, authentic English materials, paying special attention to the practical orientation of the modern course books. The department conducts actively various master classes, round tables, meetings for students and teachers of secondary schools. There is English Speaking Club for students at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and all comers on the basis of the department.
The department teaching staff offers for all applicants for higher education a wide range of elective disciplines that are popular among students. In particular, elective disciplines are aimed to increase English language proficiency both at the general and professional levels. The disciplines are designed for students who plan to link their future career with school teaching, as well as others working in other areas, such as information technology, preschool education, etc. A separate and important part of work is devoted to teaching applicants for the first (bachelor's) degree of higher education and is aimed to prepare undergraduates for the successful completion of a unified entrance exam (UEE) in English to enter the master’s level.
We invite everyone to fruitful cooperation! You can find us at Kharkiv, H.S.Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Valentynivska Street, 2, room 227-A; e-mail:
More detailed information about the work of the department can be found in the relevant sections on the web page of the department!
Valentynivska Street, 2, room 227-A
Head of the Department
Doctor of Science in Education, Ph.D. in Philology, Ph.D. in Education, Full Professor.
Ім'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.