Project facts
Project full name:
Comprehensive Introduction of Augmented and Alternative Communication Methodology into the Ukrainian System of Education
Project acronym:
Project name in Ukrainian
«Комплексне впровадження методології альтернативної й додаткової комунікації в систему освіти України»
Grant Agreement
101179404 — AMUSE
Project start date
November 01, 2024
36 months
Project coordinator
H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University is a beneficiary of the AMUSE project. MORE
The AMUSE project intends to establish active cooperation between the Ukrainian and European HEIs in the area of inclusive education and special needs education.
The project will equip the pre-and in-service teachers with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) methodology, required for successful learning of children with speech impairment. Based on this reliable methodology, our international initiative aims to positively affect the learning climate in Ukraine, particularly in terms of educators' readiness and skills, and creation of a more inclusive educational environment. The training of pre-service teachers, particularly in the field of natural sciences, will provide speech-impaired children with the knowledge and understanding of the fundamental ideas of the world in which they live, and which influences their lives. Our project will adapt and adopt EU higher education didactic and approaches to updating curricula, revising existing and creating new courses as well as content-wise - the use of AAC in teaching natural sciences.
Our national breakthrough will be an AAC-based textbook "World Around Us for Kindergartens", which will be the first textbook for speech-impaired children in Ukraine. Another big contribution is the creation of the MOOC "AAC in Education" for in-service teachers. All the outcomes (courses for students, MOOC, and the textbook) will be extensively piloted and promoted in Ukrainian educational institutions of different levels and will hopefully remove some barrier from the Ukrainian system of education making it open to all.
Ім'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.