Art without borders

"Art without borders" one-line project holds by artistically and graphic faculty's G.S.Skovoroda Pedagogical University.

We present the new page entitled "Art without borders" as a virtual art gallery. Page is the creative output of teachers and students of two universities G.S.Skovoroda Pedagogical University and Hebei Normal University department of Fine Arts and Design. We believe this art's experience will allow to combine artistic horizons between the two countries.

On photo in the center Duan Yiqing painter, a teacher of Hebei Normal University, the left Dean of Art- graphic faculty Dr.Philosophy Malinina Iryna, the right a Head of Ukrainian Decorative Art and graphics department Chen Nataliya.

We are pleased to introduce you to an exhibition of art works Duan Yiqing, exposed till the artistic and cultural exchange between the universities of Ukraine and China.

"Morning sunshine1", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Morning sunshine3", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Sharovskiy castle", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Trees with sunshine1", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Trees with sunshine2", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Landscape", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Morning sunshine in dormitory kitchen", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Trees with sunshine", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Window", water corlor on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Morning sunshine2", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Morning sunshine", watercolor on wood, 30#40cm

"Museum curtain", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Museum curtain2", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Curtain", water color on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Night curtain", water color and red wine on chinese paper, 33#33cm

"Night curtain", water color and red wine on chinese paper,33#33cm

"City centre park", oil on canvas, 30#40cm

"Landscape", oil on canvas30#40cm

"Old building", oil on canvas, 30#40cm

"Sharovskiy castle", oil on canvas, 55#40cm

"Trees", oil on canvas, 55#40cm

"Dormitory", oil on canvas, 30#40cm

"Sharovskiy castle", oil on canvas, 55#40cm

"Sharovskiy castle", oil on canvas, 55#40cm

"Sharovskiy castle 1", oil on paper, 53#39cm

"Sharovskiy castle 2", oil on paper, 53#39cm

"Landscape", water color, 27#39cm

"Morning sunshine", water color, 27#39cm

"Night curtain", water color, 27#39cm

Unnamed, water color, 27#39cm

"Night trees", water color, 27#39cm

"Landscape", water color, 27#39cm

"City centre park", oil on canvas, 55#40

Unnamed, water color, 33#33cm.

"Landscape", oil on canvas, 30#40cm

"Landscape", 38#53cm, oil on paper

"Landscape", 38#53cm, oil on paper

"Morning curtain", water color, 27#39cm

"Night curtain", oil on paper, 38#53cm

"Pigeons", oil on canvas, 40#50cm

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