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One of the strongest departments of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University is the department responsible for teaching mathematics which equips students with the tools for investigating the world around them.
The Department of Mathematics was founded in 1939, the same year when the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was established as an independent structural unit in H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (formerly Kharkiv Pedagogical Institute).
At different times, the prominent scientists working at the Department made a fruitful contribution to the elaboration of theoretical issues of mathematics and practical training of mathematics teachers and laid the foundations for the development of a modern department. They are: P.O. Soloviov, V.O. Marchenko, V.P. Shestopalov, E.I. Kim, Z.S. Agranovych, L.M. Gluskin, I.O. Naumov, I.F. Teslenko, Y.M. Gaiduk, M.A. Zhikhar, J.M. Zhovnir.
Since 2019, Professor Oksana Zhernovnikova, Doctor of Education, has been the head of the Department of Mathematics. Under her management, two scientific laboratories – the Laboratory of Interdisciplinarity in Education and the Laboratory of Innovative Mathematical Education – work fruitfully at the department.
The scientific problem of the Department: "Efficiency enhancement of teaching mathematical disciplines in secondary and higher educational institutions." The research work of the Department is carried out in accordance with the concept of the New Ukrainian School.
The topic of the scientific research of the Department is "Design of a methodical system of teaching mathematics in institutions of general secondary education and higher pedagogical education of Ukraine and the European Union".
The research and teaching staff of the Department (as of academic year 2020-2021): 3 Doctors of Sciences, Professors; 1 Candidate of Sciences, Professor; 2 Candidates of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professors; 2 Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professors; 3 Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professors of the Department. This allows the Department to effectively provide intellectual potential to all areas of educational, methodical and scientific work. Carrying out of the educational and methodical support of the Department is provided by Y.V. Cis, the laboratory assistant.
For preparation of masters and bachelors, the Department provides teaching of more than twenty mathematical disciplines within the majors: 014 Secondary Education "Mathematics", 014 Secondary Education "Physics", 014 Secondary Education "Computer science" – at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics as well as within other majors at other faculties of the university. The description of the academic disciplines is provided in the information-methodical portfolio of the Department.
Ім'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.