The department was created on September 1, 2022 by joining the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education to the Department of Physical Education and Sports Improvement (Order No. 63-od from June 24, 2022).
The department carries out educational, scientific-research and sports-educational activities in the field of physical culture.
The Department of Theory, Methodology and Practice of Physical Education (TMPPE) provides the educational process with:
The purpose of the work of the department is the consistent formation of the personal physical culture of the future specialist, his readiness for professional activity.
The purpose of the work of the department is the consistent formation of the personal physical culture of the future specialist, his readiness for professional activity.
Training of specialists capable of solving complex specialized tasks in the organization of the educational process, which are determined by the laws and features of modern theory and methods of learning, development of motor skills and sports training in the field of physical culture
The department has an educational-methodological office that is constantly replenished with new publications and has about 6,000 copies of scientific-methodical, theoretical-historical and periodical publications.
The work of sports sections by sports is approved annually by the decision of the department.
The department invites
61168, Kharkiv, Valentynivska str. 2, bulk G (Г), room 105
tel. +38 (0572) 68-06-13 (Dean’s office)
Head of Department:
Kryventsova Iryna (Kriventsova Irina)
Cand. Sc. Education, associate professor (docent)
Ім'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.