The research work of the Ukrainian Language Department

The research work of the Department of Ukrainian language is aimed at studying the scientific topic "Studying of the Modern Ukrainian language units in various aspects" (state registration number 0120U104814), coordinated by the Institute of Ukrainian Language of NAS of Ukraine.

The research work of the department lies in the further development of issues of language history, history of linguistics, language theory, ethnic linguistic studies, communicative linguistics, pragmalinguistics, lingual conceptology, cognitive linguistics, grammar, including problems of word formation, morphology and syntax.

Research interests of lecturers and doctoral students of the department:

K. Yu. Holoborodko     cognitive linguistics, history of the Ukrainian language, linguistic analysis of the text

O. V. Kalashnyk           pragmatics of grammatical units, lingual-poetic studies, stylistics

Yu. M. Lebedenko         phraseology, lexicology, semasiology, comparative linguistics, cognitive linguistics, text linguistics, stylistics

O. A. Oleksenko            grammar, pragmatics of grammatical units, lingual poetics, derivatology, theoretical and practical issues of Ukrainian terminology

T. F. Osipova                communicative linguistics, non-verbal communication, discourse analyses, semiotics, phraseology, lexicology, cognitive linguistics, text linguistics, stylistics

I. A. Pavlova                 grammar, pragmatics of grammatical units, lingual poetics, derivatology, dialects studies

N. V. Piddubna             problems of theological linguistics, semantics, stylistics, history of the Ukrainian language, lingual personology

Yu. O. Tymchenko        lexicology and phraseology, syntax, history of the Ukrainian language

O. V. Khaliman             grammar, pragmatics of grammatical units, axiological pragmatic linguistics, language game

N. V. Shcherbakova      lexicology and phraseology, onomastics, syntax, theory and practice of translation, comparative studies of languages


Collection of scientific works

H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Year of foundation: 1988.

Since 1988 the department has published 53 issues.

Field of study and issues. The collection contains articles representing a wide range of current linguistic problems (issues of lexicology, grammar, text studies, discoursology, lingual-poetic studies, lingual conceptology, lingual-didactic studies), reviews and critiques.

Current status of the collection

According to the Decision of the Presidium of the State Attestation Commission of Ukraine № 1-05/1 dated 10 February 2010 (reregistration: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 886 dated 02 July 2020) the collection of scientific works is included into the category “Б” of the list of Ukrainian scientific professional publications, in which the results of theses for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences (PhD) can be published. Specialty: 035 (Philological Sciences).

The collection is registered in international catalogues of periodicals and databases: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, OCLC WorldCat, Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), Research Bible, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, ERIH PLUS, BASE (Bielefeld Academic search Engine), Open AIRE.

Collection website: //


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Щербакова  Наталя Володимирівна,

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент

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