Scientific Activity of the Department for Philosophic and Psychological Anthropology

Topic of research work of the Department "Socio-Psychological Fundamentals of Personal Development in the Educational Process" (registration number 0121U113781, head – prof. I.I. Dorozhko).

The teaching staff of the Department actively participates in international, All-Ukrainian, regional scientific and practical conferences, international professional development programs, trainings, webinars, scientific and methodological seminars, round tables, etc.

The department has started and annually holds 2 scientific and practical conferences "Models of life creation in modern socio-cultural contexts", "Socio-psychological foundations of personality development in the educational process", which are devoted to the study of current problems of psychological and pedagogical science: formation of students ' competencies in the conditions of the new Ukrainian school; psychological and pedagogical problems in education; modern realities and prospects for the development of the educational process; technological foundations of psychology and pedagogy; development of inclusive education, etc. Lecturers, school teachers, and applicants of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education actively participate in conferences.

The results of scientific research of teachers of the department are presented in scientific monographs, educational and methodological manuals, articles in publications indexed in international scientometric databases Web of Science, Scopus, Index Copernicus, abstracts in collections of International, All-Ukrainian and regional conferences. Lecturers received 8 author's certificates for works.

61168, Kharkiv, Blucher str., 2, k. А, r. 231

tel. +38(0572) 68-10-76


Dorozhko Irina

Campus LifeІм'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.