Rector's greeting

Dear ladies and gentelmen,

We are glad to welcome you at one of the oldest pedagogical higher educational establishments of Ukraine - H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. It was founded in 1804 and has always been the source of Ukrainian culture. Such famous scientists as O.O. Potebnia, O.V. Pohorielov, H.P. Uspenskyi, V.P. Shestopalov, O.M. Liapunov and others worked there.

Thousands of university graduates have formed the Ukrainian intelligentsia whose role has been prominent at all times. They didn’t only involve people in education and making progress but also presented the ideas of intelligence, kindness and eternity, formed spirituality and mentality of our nation.

The name of the greatest Ukrainian philosopher, poet and national enlightener H.S. Skovoroda in the official name of our university is a symbol of the connection of generations in performing important tasks of upbringing and education. We are looking at our tasks nowadays taking into consideration present-day demands. We must train highly-qualified teachers whom we can entrust with our children. Moreover, we must take part in the formation of the intellectual elite of Ukraine: we must educate specialists of great erudition who have the ability for further learning and self-perfection. We must give every graduate a chance to realize his abilities in full measure in the future profession. Our students are not objects but subjects of education. They get the basic knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and main subjects during lectures and practical classes. Meanwhile, they always have the right and opportunity to choose subjects for more profound learning attending special courses, special seminars, participating in students’ scientific societies.

Young people can realize their inexhaustible energy in interest clubs and thematic groups, amateur societies.

We are looking forward to meeting you.

Campus LifeІм'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.