Sylaiev Оleksandr Serhiyovych

Sylaiev Оleksandr Serhiyovych,

Professor of the Department of Foreign Literature and Slavic Languages,

Doctor of Philology, Professor.


• 1973 - graduated with honors from the Faculty of Philology (specialty "Russian language and literature") Kharkiv State Pedagogical Institute named after G.S.Skovoroda.
• 1986 - graduated from graduate school with a degree in "Russian literature" at the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature KhSPI named after G.S.Skovoroda.
• 1995 - graduated from the doctoral program in "Russian Literature" at the Department of World Literature, KhNPU named after G.S.Skovoroda.

Defended dissertations:

• dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences on the topic: "People of art and problems of artistic creativity in the modern Soviet novel"; specialty 10.01.02 - Russian literature; Odessa State University named after I.I.Mechnikov. Odessa, 1989.
• dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology on the topic: "The struggle for creative freedom in the period of formation of the aesthetics of totalitarianism (on the material of Russian literature of the 1920s)"; specialty 10.01.02 - Russian literature; Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S.Skovoroda.  Kharkiv, 1996.

Professional career:

• 1981-1989 - Lecturer at the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Kharkiv State Pedagogical Institute named after G.S.Skovoroda;
• 1989-1996 - Associate Professor of Russian and Foreign Literature, Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S.Skovoroda;
• from 1996 to the present time - Professor of Foreign Literature and Slavic Languages ​​KhNPU named after G.S.Skovoroda.

Research activities:

• Author of the scientific monograph "Art and Power: “Eternal Theme” in the Literature of the 1920s." Kharkiv, 1995.
• Author of the textbook "Literary process of the 1920s: the formation of the aesthetics of totalitarianism." Kharkiv, 1993.
• Author of more than 70 scientific articles in professional domestic and foreign publications that are part of international scientometric databases; educational and methodical recommendations; abstracts of reports at international and national scientific and practical conferences.
• From 1997 to 2019 - a member of the editorial board of the scientific publication "Scientific Notes of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S.Skovoroda. Literary Studies ".
• From 2012 to 2019 - a member of the international scientific council of the scientific publication "Scientific works of Kamyanets-Podilsky National University named by Ivan Ogienko. Philological Sciences".

Management of postgraduate and doctoral students:

• Supervisor of 2 (two) graduate students.
• 6 (six) candidate dissertations were defended under the supervision of: Go Shichan (China, 2001), Hetmanets G.O. (2004), Bezkorovaina O.L. (2005), Hetmanets I.O. (2011), Pidgurska I.O. (2013), Kalian K.O. (2018).

Research interests:

• Russian literature of the late nineteenth - twentieth centuries;
• methodological aspects of teaching literary disciplines in secondary schools and universities;
• problems of creative heritage of A.P. Chekhov, I.O. Bunin, M.A. Bulgakov, A.P.Platonov, I.G. Ehrenburg; K.O. Fedin and others.
• creative portraits and the fate of Russian literature abroad;
• literary process of modernity.


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