Zheng Xiandong painting exhibition

"Art without borders" one-line project holds by artistically and graphic faculty's G.S.Skovoroda Pedagogical University.

We present the new page entitled "Art without borders" as a virtual art gallery. Page is the creative output of teachers and students of two universities G.S.Skovoroda Pedagogical University and Hebei Normal University department of Fine Arts and Design. We believe this art's experience will allow to combine artistic horizons between the two countries.

The author of art works - Chzen  Syandun (his pseudonym is Brush) is an associated professor, master tutor of Hebei Normal University College of Fine Art and Design. 2014 in frame of cultural exchanges visited our Kharkov State Pedagogical University (Ukraine) given lectures, and held personal painting exhibition in Ukraine (Kharkov). The same year (October 2014) Chzen  Syandun held personal painting exhibition in Shanghai Moganshan art district.

 Chzen  Syandun graduated from the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, now he is a member of Chinese Artists Association, Hebei Oil Painting Society, Art Committee. He is a Hebei watercolor Arts Council deputy director and secretary-general.

75x57cm watercolour

Autumn scenery
75x57cm watercolour

24x30cm oilpainting

human body NO,1
24x30cm oilpainting

human body NO,2
24x30cm oilpainting

human body NO,3
24x30cm oilpainting

human body NO,4
24x30cm oilpainting

Monet gardens
24x30cm oilpainting

Monet gardens
75x57cm watercolour

Monet gardens NO.1
40x55cm oilpainting

75x57cm watercolour

40x55cm oil painting

Notre Dame DE paris overlook
75x57cm watercolour

40x55cm oilpainting

Out of the window
75x57cm watercolour

The ancient of lvov
40x55cm oilpainting

the autumn of the Seine
75x57cm watercolour

the autumn of Giverny
24x30cm oilpainting

the autumn of Monet gardens
40x55cm oilpainting

the autumn scenery of Giverny
4x30cm oilpainting

the cloud of Giverny
24x30cm oilpainting

the cloud of Giverny
75x57cm watercolour

The distance of the lake
75x57cm watercolour

the highlands of lvov
24x30cm oilpainting

the night of the Seine
75x57cm watercolour

the PeachGarden
24x30cm oilpainting

the road of Amsterdam
75x57cm watercolour

40x55cm oilpainting

Wu Yuan NO.1
24x30cm oilpainting

Wu Yuan NO.2
24x30cm oilpainting

Wu Yuan NO.3
24x30cm oilpainting






The autors of our gallery in 2016 year


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