Department of Political Science, Sociology and Cultural Studies

The main task of the department is to train specialists in the specialties 052 "Political Science" and 054 "Sociology", who are able to successfully work as a teacher of socio-political or socio-humanitarian disciplines in higher and secondary education, and be a competent analyst on socio-cultural and political processes. , functioning of institutions of state power and social structures of different levels, a representative or leader in various local governments, political parties, public organizations of modern society, in particular, Ukrainian.


3-v Faninsky Lane, off. 215, Kharkiv, 61166, UA.

Phone num. (057)-701-04-64


Bezruk Oleksandr

Campus LifeІм'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.