Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Arts is a continuation of the history of the Music-pedagogical and Art-graphic faculties, which were established at the university in the early 90-s of the 20-th century. Currently, more than 600 higher education students study at the faculty.

The main directions of educational, scientific and creative work at the faculty are focused on the problems of art education and pedagogy of art, performing arts and art history, artistic and aesthetic development of youth and cultural and educational activities for the general population.

The educational process at the faculty is provided by: 

Classes are conducted by leading experts in the field of art education, doctors and candidates of science, professors and associate professors, famous figures of culture and arts, national and honored artists, winners of national and international competitions.

The faculty has initiated and annually holds music competitions, creative competitions, exhibitions, scientific and practical conferences, etc. The real creative laboratories of applicants and teachers of the faculty, the pride and business card of the university are the art groups – winners and prize-winners of competitions and contests of national and international levels, with the title of "national".

 Applicants of the faculty take part in various competitions, olympiads and contests, festivals of different levels, which allows to obtain the necessary practical skills in the specialty, to improve stage and performance skills. The faculty has an electoral body of student self-government, which ensures the performance of duties and protects the rights and interests of higher education students.

 The faculty is one of the powerful links of our university in raising the social status of teachers, educating the love of beauty, the formation of aesthetic values in young people by promoting the best examples of national art.

During the history of its existence, the faculty has prepared a whole galaxy of specialists who have become heads of educational institutions, famous teachers, public figures, scientists and artists. Graduates of the faculty continue the tradition, involving their students in their native Alma Mater.


Аcting Dean of the Faculty 

Volodymyr Viktorovych Fomin



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