The History of the natural-mathematics disciplines department

In 1979, at the Faculty of Education (now - primary education faculty) was created the Department of the mathematics teaching methods in primary school (now – The natural – mathematics disciplines department), was headed by Ryabchinska Victoria Dmitrievna - candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor. At various times, at the department worked (Smagina Alexandra, Khityaeva Lyudmila Petrovna, Demidienko Alexander Yakovlevich, Lazareva Taisiya Mykolayivna, Mykhaylovich Tatiana Stevanivna, Miroshnichenko Lyudmila Mykolayivna, Feshenko Tatiana Ivanivna, Kurbarov Sergey Gennadievich, Karpova Valentina Alexeevna).

Helena Ionova (Candidate of Physics and mathematical Sciences, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor) has headed the department since 2003. She has worked at the department since 1990. She teaches courses «Theoretical basis of the initial course of mathematics», «Fundamentals of Waldorf education», directs the scientific work of doctoral candidates, postgraduates and applicants.

As for 2017, the department has: 1 Doctor of Education, Professor (Ionova O.M.), 4 candidates of pedagogical sciences, asossiate professors (Masuk O.M., Smolyanyuk N.M., Starikova L.P., Titarenko L.I.), 2 candidates of pedagogical sciences (Beletskaya S.A., Partola V.V.) 2 senior teachers (Glinka I.V., Dolgopolova N.A.).

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