Methodical work of the natural-mathematics disciplines department

The department serves the departments of primary education and pre-school education, Institute of Postgraduate Education, trains teachers in specialties: 013 - primary education, 012 - pre-school education for educational and qualification levels «bachelor» and «master».

The teachers provide the teaching of different courses in the natural and mathematical cycle. The main directions of  research work of the department are «The Development and implementation of new educational technologies», «The Development of natural and mathematical education: History and Modernity», «The Formation of  professional-pedagogical competence of the future teacher of initial classes» (prof. Ionova O.M.), «Integration of didactic-methodological disciplines in the preparation of primary school teachers», «The ecological education of primary school pupils and the training of future professionals in its implementation», «The Labour education of primary school pupils and the training of future professionals in its implementation.

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