International connections of the natural-mathematics disciplines department

Employees of the department take part in international educational research: IRMA, IAARA, Ipma, IAAPA. Prof. Ionova O.M. actively cooperates with the «School of Spiritual Science» (c. Dornach, Switzerland), she is a member of the «Union of Free Waldorf Schools»; teachers of mathematics and mathematics techniques (Ass. prof. Titarenko L.I., Ass. prof. Masiuk O.M.) take part in the project «International comparative study of the training of teachers of mathematics ICSMTT». Teachers have been organized monitoring of mathematical preparation of teachers of different types of schools under the direction of D. Biordzhesa; with the help of the survey was defined starting level of mathematical abilities of students (Trainee Teacher), teachers (Tutor) and teachers-mentors (Teacher Mentor) in the school.

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