The scientific theme of the department: "Formation of creative personality in context development of world art-pedagogical processes ".
The teaching staff of the department actively participates in international, national, regional exhibitions, scientific-practical conferences, training, webinars, which are confirmed by the presence of diplomas and certificates.
Teachers of the department conduct active exhibition activities. They are regular participants in the triennial and biennial of painting, various international and national exhibitions, painting competitions which are held annually organized by the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and international art organizations, etc.
The department conducts scientific-practical and scientific-theoretical conferences, seminars, scheduled exhibitions of works by students and teachers. The results of scientific research are presented in publications, articles, and abstracts. Proceedings of international, national, and faculty conferences. Teachers of the department have published a significant number of educational and methodical literature on fine, decorative, applied, and computer graphics, etc.
61166, Kharkiv, side street Faninsky, 3-v, r. 309,
phone num.: (057) 702-15-26;
Ім'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.