Cooperation of the Department of German Philology

The members of the department and their colleagues from German Academic Exchange Service take part in various events promoting German in Ukraine.

The members of the department cooperate with the House of Nuremberg (Das Nürnberger Haus); participate in methodological seminars held there by German professors. Traditionally, every year in September-October, Gerhard Koller, Doctor of Science, Professor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, gives lectures to German teachers at the Nuremberg House.

The department has close contacts with the gymnasium № 23 in Kharkiv, where German students undergo pedagogical practice. Teachers of the department prepare students for participation in the competition-defense of student research papers at the Small Academy of Sciences and conduct career guidance work with high school students.

On the basis of the Foreign Philology Faculty of our university, regional school Olympiads in foreign languages are held annually, in which teachers of the Department of German Philology take an active part. This is also one of the areas of career guidance, which helps to attract potential applicants to our university.

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