History of the Department of German Philology

Department of German Philology of KhNPU named after G.S. Skovoroda exists since December 1, 1990 as an independent unit because of the reorganization of the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology.

Since its foundation, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Skachkova Valentina Vladimirovna, author of scientific and methodological works, an experienced leader and professional teacher, heads the department.

In different years worked here:  V. V. Berezhna, Y.M. Berezina, V.M. Bestuzheva, N.I. Vidyukova, L.S. Grayvoronska, O.G. Zhadan, G.М. Zuev, I.M. Ishchenko, N.E. Kalmykova, R.V. Кryvosheya, О.B. Muntyan, Y.Y. Makuyeva, G.A. Makovetska, V.M. Kutko, Н.А. Mazurkova, T.K. Khramtsova, А.В. Yanovska.

In addition, the outstanding prose writer, translator and teacher Kovaleva Olexandra Prokopivna devoted many years of life to the department. O. P.  Kovaleva has translated many works from German (P.P. Wiplinger "Signs of Life"; Walter Zagorka "Letters of Romeo"; Manfred Schwab "Between Summer and Winter", as well as poetic anthologies "Stream" (2011), "Women's Voices" (2013), "Blue".  The writer has also arranged and translated anthologies of Kharkiv and Nuremberg poetry: "Two Cities" (2000); "Over time and space" (2006); "Bridges of Poetry"). She has also published the following works: poetry books "Steppe Lakes" (1980), "Horizons" (1988), "In two voices" (co-authored with the German poet Nadu Schmidt, 1998), "Alphabet of Kindness" (2005), "Autumn forgiveness ”(2006),“ Let’s go where the grass sleeps ” (in Ukrainian, English, German, co-authored with Olga Tilna) (2011), the story“ Ovlur ”(2014) and others.

Since 1999, representatives of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), who conduct practical German language classes with German students, advise them on language and research internship opportunities in Germany (Jan-Peter Abraham, Matthias Zillich, Mario Radermacher, Timo Janza, Cedric Reichel), have staffed the department. Today, Mr. Kerstin Dalljo performs this activity.

Currently, the department has 12 full-time teachers, including one doctor of philology (O.V. Tararak), 8 candidates of sciences, associate professors (N.V. Grigorova, T.M. Koshechkina, Y.O. Pivovar, M.O. Sidorova, O.V. Sidorov and S.V. Tcherkashyn).

2, Valentynivska street, office 508

Ph. num.  +38(0572) 68-61-74

e-mail: kaf-german-philology@hnpu.edu.ua

Skachkova Valentyna Volodymyrivna

Campus LifeІм'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.