The Department of Theory and Methodics of Teaching Natural-Mathematical Disciplines in Preschool, Primary and Special Education

The lecturers of the Department work at Faculty of Primary Education, Faculty of Preschool Education and Faculty of Nature, train future teachers in specialties: 013 Primary Education, 012 Preschool Education, 016 Special Education in Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree.

The lecturers of the Department provide teaching subjects of mathematical, natural and technological cycles at institutions of preschool, primary, special and inclusive education.

2 Valentynivska Street, Building V, Room 306, Kharkiv 61168, Ukraine

Рhone: +38(0572)68-11-62


Ionova Оlena
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Campus LifeІм'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.