The Department of Foreign Literature and Slavic Languages provides the educational process with literary and linguistic disciplines at the Ukrainian Literary Faculty named after G.F. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, Faculty of Foreign Philology, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and other faculties of the University (full-time and part-time education).
The department is staffed with highly qualified lectures. All the lectures work on a permanent basis and have an academic degree, academic title whose basic education coincides with the profile of the disciplines which are taught. Among them are 5 doctors of sciences (S.K. Krivoruchko, O.S. Silaev, I.I. Stepanchenko, O.O. Skorobohatova, O.V. Radchuk), 1 professor, candidate of sciences (I.V. Razumenko), 8 candidates of Sciences, associate professors (T.P. Stakankova, O.I. Artyukh, T.V. Horyacheva, M.M. Zhurenko, O.P. Ilinitska, O.P. Karpenko, A.G. Kozlova, N.M. Khalanskaya). The availability of qualified teaching staff allows the department to ensure the proper level of the educational process.
The Department of Foreign Literature and Slavic Languages trains specialists for educational qualification levels «bachelor» (4 years), «master» (1.5 years),specialty 014. Secondary education. (Language and literature (Russian)), educational and scientific level (PhD), specialty 035. Philology.
The training program for the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) educational levels consists of the following components:
Disciplines and (bachelor's) level:
Second language literature:
Disciplines of the II level (master's) level:
Academic disciplines of III (educational and scientific) level:
At the department there is a room of world literature, the book fund of which has more than 16,000 books and periodicals; a room of Slavic languages, the book fund of which has more than three thousand manuals, monographs, collections of articles, guidelines and periodicals; a computer class and a regional center for Polish language, culture and science, that contribute to the improvement of the professional training of future teachers and scientists.
Valentynivska st., 2, 403-V, Kharkiv, 61168
Phone num.:+38(057)68-02-23
Ім'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.