Scientific research of the Department of Foreign Literature and Slavic Languages is carried out in accordance with the complex themes approved by UkrInTI «Principles of development and interaction of European literatures in XIX - XXI centuries» (State registration number 0116 U 004330 of 07.14.2016) and «Principles of functioning of Slavic languages: dynamic, pragmatic and methodological aspects» (State registration number: 0117 U000812 of 03.24.2017).
Scientific schools have been formed in the Department by Doctor of Philosophy, Prof. Frizman L.G. under whose leadership 5 doctoral dissertations and 54 candidates defended; 5 doctoral dissertations and 16 candidates defended led by Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Hetmanets M.F.; 1 doctoral dissertation and 13 candidates defended led by Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Kalashnikovo G.F.; 1 doctoral dissertation and 10 candidates defended led by Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Stepanchenko І.І.; 1 doctoral dissertation and 10 candidates defended led by Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Skorobohatova O.O.; 10 candidates defended led by Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Gulak A.T.
The lectures of the department actively participate in specialized scientific and practical conferences and publish their scientific works in collections of scientific papers, specialized domestic and foreign journals, publish monographs and textbooks. For the last year, 70 articles and abstracts have been published within the department topics, of which 8 in publications included in Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) and 22 publications in professional journals.
Scientific publications of the Department of Foreign Literature and Slavic Languages:
The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department take an active part in the work of regional, all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences, for example, in 2020 conferences were in Kharkov, Kiev, Bakhmut, Lvov, Kherson, Ardahan (Turkey), Stockholm (Sweden), etc.
The department organizes scientific, methodological and scientific conferences. During 1995-2012, the Department of World Literature held a conference «Livshitski Readings». Since 1980, international scientific conferences on topical problems of semantic research have been held at the Department of Slavic Languages. Since 2005 it has been organized conferences of young scientists. The United Department of Foreign Literature and Slavic Languages maintains the traditions.
According to the research topics of the Department of Foreign Literature and Slavic Languages from 2015 to 2020 the scientific conferences were held, such as:
The lectures of the department in the context of scientific department topics involved students in research work, as a result there were publications of student scientific articles, theses and reports (44 scientific publications were in 2020).
Annually in November the department holds student scientific conferences «Slavistic studios», in May it holds student Cyryl and Methodius readings.
A student scientific conference «Actual problems of philological sciences» was held on May 26, 2020.
On November 24, 2020, it was held the conference «Philological Studios» dedicated to the birthday of V.I. Dahl and International Dictionary Day.
The department has doctoral and postgraduate studies in specialty 035–«Philology». Since 1978 about 150 candidate and more than 15 doctoral dissertations led by the lectures of the department have been prepared and defended.
Valentynivska st., 2, 403-V, Kharkiv, 61168
Phone num.:+38(057)68-02-23
Ім'я великого українського філософа, поета і народного просвітителя Г.С.Сковороди в офіційній назві нашого університету.